Friday, March 6, 2020

Why College Students Need To Watch The State Of The Union Tonight And In The Future

Why College Students Need To Watch The State Of The Union Tonight And In The Future Photo Via: Tonight at 8 p.m. central on all major networks and cable news channels, President Obama will be delivering his final State of the Union address to Republican-controlled congress an electorate that looks forward to replacing him in the coming election. While for younger audiences, the State of the Union can be a very drawn out, bland speech full of nothing but empty promises for the future, tonight’s address is promised to be different. According to a White House preview of the speech, we will be listening to more of a reflection on the past few years, what was done right and what voters can expect to look for in the coming election. In many ways, the Address will be an explanation of what has been promised, and what has in turn been delivered. The speech will touch upon health care, same-sex marriage, environmental policy, war, economic recovery and the improved job numbers. Of course, the speech will also touch upon gun violence, an issue the President has taken a personal interest in. For emphasis, a seat in the House gallery will be left unused, symbolizing the victims of gun violence in the U.S. But perhaps the most useful aspect of tonight’s State of the Union is the election implications. The speech will deliver a Democratic agenda, most likely alluding to a future in which Hillary Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, is running the country. According to the White House press secretary, “The president’s main focus will be on the opportunities and challenges that are facing the country not just in the year ahead, but what’s critical are the kinds of decisions that we make now will have a significant impact on not just the next generation of Americans but future generations of Americans.” Which leads me to my point: why should college students watch? To many, this State of the Union will be nothing more than an iteration of the Democratic agenda and a defense of decisions made in the past seven years. While this is mostly true, there’s also much more to this speech than meets the eye. For one thing, most college students are the proper voting age, yet most of the student population won’t register to vote. One of the reasons for this lack of interest is largely a misunderstanding. Many students aren’t familiar with politics. They are either bored by them or just don’t care to learn. There won’t be a better opportunity to learn than tonight. A wide array of topics will be covered, demonstrating the topics typically up for debate come time for elections. Plus, this is a great opportunity for students to form their own opinions. The internet is ridden with anti-Obama quotes and comparisons between he and George W. Bush, which can effect impressionable minds. In tonight’s speech, students will hear exactly what was proposed and exactly what was done. Another, and perhaps one of the biggest reasons to watch tonight’s Address, is because of the party lines. While most students will identify with their parents’ respective parties, it’s important for them to choose for themselves, especially when it comes to their own interests. Republicans and Democrats can have very different viewpoints on education, which may or may not sway a student from their parents’ party to their own. Also, I urge Republicans to watch the debate, not only to critique Obama and dwell on the negatives, but to be open to the possibility that some positive outcomes were the result of Obama’s terms in office. The truth of the matter is: it’s done. He already did it. A majority elected him. We as a country, chose him to lead us. Bashing his presidency does nothing productive. Tonight is an opportunity to view the other side, to make evidenced judgments and to understand where there’s room for improvement in the coming election. Sure, many will view the Address as Democratic propaganda. But for those that want to start this year out positive that want to separate the good from the bad and make the necessary changes in the coming election the State of the Union is going to be a great place to do so. So make time tonight, educate yourself and go into this next election well aware of the issues at hand. Know what you personally want to see changed. Make an educated election decision. No matter what party you choose, that choice is yours alone. Take the opportunity to not only make a choice, but to make an informed choice.

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